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Support and Contact Information

Information for Faculty and Users of Central Pool Classrooms:

Technology Orientation and Training

We strongly urge you to obtain training before using the equipment in class. To schedule a training session, please contact the technology support staff member listed for your classroom. Sessions normally last about 30 minutes and should be scheduled for a date at least three days prior to the start of classes.

Reporting Problems

Local Support Providers check most classrooms on a daily basis. If you discover that the technology is not working properly, please report it immediately to the staff member and/or team responsible for that room. We will try to have it repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Your patience and understanding that some repairs may take longer than 24 hours is appreciated.

Technology and Building Support Staff:

Local Support Information (Technology)
Building NameTechnology ContactTechnology EmailTechnology Phone
3600 Market StreetClassroom Technology Servicescts@isc.upenn.edu215-898-9550
AnnenbergAnnenberg Tech Supportsupport@asc.upenn.edu215-573-8361
ARCHWilliams Hall IT Supportwilliams-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-573-8327
Chemistry BuildingChemistry IT Supporthelp@chem.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Claire Fagin HallNursing Classroom Technologyservicedesk@nursing.upenn.edu215-898-5981
Claudia Cohen HallCohen Hall IT Supportcohen-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
College HallCollege Hall IT Supportcollegehall-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
David Rittenhouse LaboratoryMulti-Media Servicesdrl-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Fisher-Bennett HallFisher-Bennett IT Supportfbh-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Goddard LaboratoriesBiology Computing Supportbio-computing@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Graduate Education BuildingGSE ITgse-help@lists.upenn.edu215-898-1847
Hayden HallMulti-Media Servicesdrl-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Jaffe BuildingArt History IT Supportarthistory-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Kelly Writers HouseKelly Writers House Staffwh@english.upenn.edu215-573-9748
Leidy LaboratoriesBiology Computing Supportbio-computing@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Lerner CenterLerner Center IT Supportmusic-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Levin BuildingBiology Computing Supportbio-computing@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
LRSMCETS Officeav-request@seas.upenn.edu215-898-4707
McNeil BuildingSocial Science Computingclassrooms@ssc.upenn.edu215-898-4947
McNeil Center for Early American StudiesFisher-Bennett IT Supportfbh-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Meyerson HallWeitzman Operationswsd-operations@design.upenn.edu215-898-8322
Moore BuildingCETS Officeav-request@seas.upenn.edu215-898-4707
Perelman Center for Political Science and EconomicsSocial Science Computingpcpse-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Perry World HousePWH Classroom Supportpwhclassroom@pwh.upenn.edu215-573-3071
Solomon LaboratoriesPsychology Computing Supportpsych-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Stiteler HallGSE ITgse-help@lists.upenn.edu215-898-1847
Towne BuildingCETS Officeav-request@seas.upenn.edu215-898-4707
University MuseumAmy Zollmuseum-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4947
Williams HallWilliams Hall IT Supportwilliams-classrooms@sas.upenn.edu215-573-8327
Local Support Information (Building Administrators)
Building NameBuilding Administration ContactBuilding Administration EmailBuilding Administration Phone
3600 Market Street3600 Market Classroom 
AnnenbergDeborah E. Porterdporter@asc.upenn.edu215-898-2996
ARCHBakari Kamau Whitebakariw@upenn.edu445-264-2340
Chemistry BuildingEnrique Vargaschemistry-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-898-8407
Claire Fagin HallGregory Thomasfacilities@nursing.upenn.edu215-898-3142
Claudia Cohen HallCarvel Campcohen-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4188
College HallJames Trumbocollege-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-3526
David Rittenhouse LaboratoryRyshee McCoydrl-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-3526
Fisher-Bennett HallJames Trumbofbh-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-3526
Goddard LaboratoriesJohn Robinsonlifesci-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-2699
Graduate Education BuildingTony Delgozzotonydel@upenn.edu215-898-7388
Hayden HallJonathan Burkehayden-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-898-5409
Jaffe BuildingCarvel Campjaffe-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-3526
Kelly Writers HouseAndrew Bealabeal@writing.upenn.edu215-573-4846
Leidy LaboratoriesJohn Robinsonlifesci-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-2699
Lerner CenterMargie Smith Deeneymmsmith@sas.upenn.edu215-898-1545
Levin BuildingJohn Robinsonlifesci-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-2699
LRSMTim Littytimlitty@seas.upenn.edu215-898-7793
McNeil BuildingAntoinette Bomento / Carvel Campmcneil-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-898-7307
McNeil Center for Early American StudiesCarvel Campmcneilctr-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-746-3526
Meyerson HallKarl Wellman, Jr.wsd-operations@design.upenn.edu215-898-8322
Moore BuildingKilian Feeneyeos@seas.upenn.edu215-898-5598
Perelman Center for Political Science and EconomicsAntoinette Bomento / Carvel Campperelmanctr-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4188
Perry World HouseSpencer Northcuttsnor@upenn.edu215-573-9992
Solomon LaboratoriesAntoinette Bomento / Carvel Campsolomon-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-898-7307
Stiteler HallTony Delgozzotonydel@upenn.edu215-898-7388
Towne BuildingKilian Feeneyeos@seas.upenn.edu215-898-5598
University MuseumBrian Houghtonbrianhou@upenn.edu215-898-2455
Williams HallCarvel Campwilliams-facilities@sas.upenn.edu215-898-4188
Additional Support Information:
  • The Local Support Provider (LSP) staff members/teams will provide you with training, first response troubleshooting, and preventative maintenance checks for technology in specific buildings. Please contact them (from the above lists) in advance if you’re planning to use classroom technology and need training.
  • Building Administrators are available for help with facilities and physical plant problems.
  • Technical support before 9:00 AM or after 4:30 PM is limited. If the LSP is unavailable, please call 215-898-9550. A Classroom Technology Services technician may be able to assist.

Classroom Distribution Lists (Listserv) Information

Electronic mail distribution lists are created for all University of Pennsylvania classrooms. Faculty and appropriate support personnel are automatically subscribed to these lists at the start of each term. The membership information in each list is updated and refreshed throughout the term. Only faculty and support staff are subscribed; students are not included.

These lists exist to facilitate communication among the interested parties who use and/or support the classrooms. While the most frequent use of these lists is to allow support staff to provide information about changes or problems with facilities or instructional technology, faculty members may also use the lists to report problems when they are not sure who the appropriate contact person is or when they believe that other faculty should be aware of the condition.

How Do the Classroom Distribution Lists Work?

The names of the lists use the following convention: [ROOM CODE]-[TERM]

Room Codes used in list names are the same as those used in the Infosilem Campus Portal.

Terms are identified by the four-digit calendar year followed by one of the following suffixes:10 for spring term20 for either summer term30 for fall term

So, for example, the list for Fisher-Bennett 138 for the Spring Term 2024 is named

Classroom distribution lists are kept private. Faculty members cannot subscribe or unsubscribe themselves. Only subscribed members can send messages to the list. Only the list owners can see the list of faculty members who are subscribed.

Administration and Monitoring

The classroom distribution lists are automatically created by querying Penn’s Data Warehouse for the names and email addresses of faculty members who are assigned to each classroom. Information for the key support personnel are also appended to each list. Faculty who do not have an email address stored in the Penn Online Directory will not be included in any of the classroom lists. The Office of the University Registrar will contact any faculty member who is not covered by the normal subscription process and inform him/her of options.

The classroom lists were created at the request of Classroom Technology Services and the Office of the University Registrar with the intent of serving Penn’s Central Pool Classrooms.

Support staff and others monitoring all lists include:
Classroom Technology Services
Provost Administrative Affairs
Office of the University Registrar
Course and Classroom Scheduling Coordinators

Additional Contact Information

Classroom Technology Services
Franklin Building Annex
3451 Walnut Street, P-117
Philadelphia, PA 19104

215-898-9550 (classroom technology issues only)
For classroom scheduling information: