Bargaining Updates
Under the law, collective bargaining cannot begin until the union submits a bargaining demand to the employer. The first bargaining session was held on October 17, 2024. On September 17th, the union formally contacted the University to request dates to initiate bargaining. The union proposed a first date of October 8, 2024; however, the University bargaining team was not available for a first session until October 17, 2024, which is when the first bargaining session took place.
The University is committed to bargaining in good faith until a tentative agreement is reached on all proposals with the union and subsequently ratified by the union’s membership.
A summary of what has occurred during each bargaining session can be found below:
October 17, 2024
The University and union representatives held their first negotiation session, beginning discussions on critical issues affecting graduate workers. The union presented its proposals, focusing on representation, workspace needs, holidays, and contractual provisions, while the University responded with initial counter-proposals. The University did introduce its Management Rights and Academic Authority Proposal.
A tentative agreement was reached on the union’s Labor Management Committee proposal, marking early progress. Discussions also addressed approaches to managing unenforceable provisions, with both sides committing to continued dialogue and collaboration.
This session established a strong foundation for future negotiations, highlighting a shared commitment to addressing the needs of graduate workers.
October 30, 2024
The second session of negotiations focused on clarifying positions and exchanging proposals on key issues, including travel policies, employment records, and severability clauses. The union introduced several new proposals covering topics such as freedom of speech, grievance processes, and health and safety.
While no tentative agreements were reached, progress was made as both parties continued to refine their proposals and discuss areas of concern. The session concluded with plans to review revised counterproposals in future meetings, maintaining momentum toward an agreement.
November 6, 2024
In this session, the union proposed protections for graduate workers, including discipline policies, appointment security, and limits on excessive work hours. The University introduced two new proposals, Whole Agreement and No Strike No Lockout, as well as counterproposals on job postings and employment files, while both sides discussed clarity in terminology and the handling of grievance records.
The session concluded with both parties outlining next steps, including a focus on addressing key articles and exchanging additional counterproposals in upcoming meetings.
November 21, 2024
In the fourth session of negotiations, the University and the union made progress on several proposals, including a tentative agreement on the revised severability clause. Key discussions addressed grievance processes, discipline policies, management rights, and the union’s counterproposal to restructure the whole agreement by separating waivers and past practices.
Both parties committed to reviewing outstanding proposals and reconvening on December 5, 2024.
December 5, 2024
In the fifth session, the University and union continued collaborative discussions, finalizing the tentative agreement on the Severability clause which was verbally agreed to in the prior session on November 21st. Key proposals discussed included employment records, management rights, union access, and workspace and materials. The union emphasized ensuring fair processes, including separate grievance files, digital communication access, and protections for remote work accommodations.
The University highlighted its legal obligations around health and safety and clarified its practices. Both parties worked on refining proposals, acknowledging the complexity of aligning all articles.
The session concluded with plans to reconvene on December 9, 2024, maintaining focus on making meaningful progress.
December 9, 2024
In the sixth session, the union and University discussed several key proposals and testimonies, with a focus on training, non-discrimination, health and safety, and workplace accessibility.
Additional discussions included health and safety protocols, employment records, and discrepancies in teaching requirements.
The session concluded without agreements but paved the way for continued discussions when negotiations resume on January 14, 2025.
January 14, 2025
During the latest session, the Union and University continued discussions on four major topics: Non-discrimination, Health and Safety, Training, and Employment Files.
Progress was made with a tentative agreement reached on Health and Safety, and discussions advanced on Training and Employment Files.
Negotiations will reconvene on January 29, 2025.
January 29, 2025
During this latest session, the Union and University continued negotiations. Topics included workers’ compensation, recreational facilities, transit and parking, employment files, workspace and materials, benefits, and workplace policies. While differences remained, the parties exchanged positions on those topics and agreed to consider counterproposals.
Negotiations will reconvene on February 12, 2025.
February 12, 2025
The University of Pennsylvania and GETUP-UAW held their ninth negotiation session on February 12, 2025, focusing on key topics such as Management and Academic Rights, Workspace and Materials, Workers’ Compensation, Vacation, and Intellectual Property. Both parties reiterated their commitment to productive discussions and resolving outstanding issues.
Negotiations will reconvene on February 17, 2025.
February 17, 2025
At the latest bargaining session on February 17, 2025, the University of Pennsylvania and GETUP-UAW tentatively agreed on Employment Files, while discussions continued on Intellectual Property, Job Postings, and Non-Discrimination.
Negotiations will resume on February 28, 2025.