Personal Vehicle Business Mileage Reimbursement

Employees will be reimbursed for use of personal automobiles when the University requires such usage and the mileage in any single day exceeds their base mileage rate a.k.a normal commuting distance. Normal commuting distance is the distance in miles between your primary residence and your primary office address, irregardless of how you commute (walk, bike, train, personal car, etc.). The reimbursement is calculated as follows:

Actual toll charges and parking fees, if itemized, may also be claimed under this method of reimbursement. This federal mileage reimbursement rate is intended to cover all transportation and operating costs including insurance. The cost of buying gas is included in the mileage reimbursement rate, and should not be separately charged when requesting reimbursement from the University for mileage.

If the director of your division deems it necessary for business reasons and the division’s operating budget can support it, you may submit for reimbursement for your normal commuting distance when a personal vehicle is used for university business. A memo from the division’s director must be on file in the Provost Administrative Affairs Finance Office noting the approval for this exception for the entire division, the business justification for this exception and acknowledgement that the division’s budget can support this additional cost. This memo must be renewed annually by the director.

If this is allowable by your division, the individual will need to complete a Normal Commute Mileage Reimbursement Form. Once the form is completed, please submit to your business office using your normal submission processes. Please note, this reimbursement will be processed as a travel reimbursement one-time payment in Workday and is taxable to the employee. The division should be aware that normal commuting mileage reimbursement payments will also incur employee benefits as it is considered compensation to the individual.